
By LifeLines

Home Brew

A day visiting family. I stayed over night with Steve and this morning we went over to Little Addington to walk the circuit Mum did as her morning walk each day. Then it was on to Dad's for a cup of tea and a catch up. It was good to have some time together - we don't get much. I caught a fleeting glimpse of my half sister but at 21 years, older sisters seem to be of little interest to her!

Then it was on to my sister's. I was shown the photographs from their holiday in Florida. They were taken on an iPhone 6 and the quality was excellent. It is my nephew's 6th birthday party tomorrow - a disco. I am not sure if children play games like pass the parcel anymore. I hope they do as they were always such fun.

Finally home at 7pm, after a three hour drive down the motorway being kept sane by Radio 4! Great to be back and relieved to see the garden and house appear unscathed by the heavy storms experienced earlier in the week.

I hope you are all having a good weekend. Hopefully I will soon find some time for some proper photography rather than snapshots.

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