Big Foot?

Better nights sleep, although the little wren keeps putting,in an appearance around 6.30 under our bedroom window chirping away ;-)

We did get back to sleep thankfully......I slipped downstairs before 9 left hub sleeping, had my breakfast, got my things together for going over to mums and sis's later. Made hub a cup of tea and jumped in the shower.

I met up with sis first for an hours catch up over a coffee, before we got going to pick mum up for lunch. Had a quick look at sis's new car, very posh :-)

We had lunch in M&S, a quick scout round the food hall for one or two things the. Sis dropped us back at mums, as she had to dash for an appointment.

Me and mum went out again in our car, for a drive, up past where dad lived when they first met, up to Dovestones Reservoir....I'd hoped we could drive up to the edge of the water, but we couldn't get close enough in the car and it was too steep for mum to walk up :-/

So instead we drove back towards home and stopped at at Portland Basin Musuem and Cafe.....where they have a couple of old narrow boats they use for canal trips. As mum and dad used to have their own boat, I think mum enjoyed the hour we spent there ;-) and her cappuccino too :-)

Once back home we had a brew and chinwag. Today's blip is Pilchard, one of mums neighbours cats, who calls regularly for treats....he is massive, think he's a dog in cats clothing ;-))) once he'd been fed, I made dinner........Thai green chicken curry and egg noodles. Mum enjoyed it, even if it did make her nose run (sorry!!)

It's getting dark so early now, by the time I hit the road, it was already dark....said goodbye to mum for 3 weeks, although I'll ring her regularly whilst we are away.

Back home now.....time to turn my attention to packing and the likes now. ;-)

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