
By tnewman

Library sign

What is going on in the photo?

This image is a library sign outside of the Salem Church library. I was at the library to return books. I'm often at the library but never noticed this sign. Now I understand what it is and realize how it helps.

How is it related to a specific human geography concept from the current unit or previous units?

This image is related to relative location. Relative location depends upon a point of reference. This picture shows where you are in that spot. People can look at this image and know the area they are in. It shows you other things around to help you know where you are. There is also the letter X that indicates where the sign is in relation to the things around. If you are lost this would be a good thing to use to find your way.

Link the image to one of the five themes of geography with an explanation of how it relates

This image is linked with location. It shows the relative location of where you are. You can use your surrounding to help find your location.

Total of 150 words

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