Its made me go Mad!

I saw my GP this morning hoping he could arrange at least an XRay. 
They are rubbish with backs!!! 
He didn't even examine me and basically told me that 75% of the population suffer from some sort of lower back pain and to just get on with it and that as I didn't have pain in my leg, it didn't warrant an MRI as they only do that if surgery is required!!
So I walked away a little bit cross and thought, well, Iv just got to stop moaning and get on with it!

Off to work I went which was fine then I had an appointment with my Sports Injury Therapist friend in the evening at my old Sports Club. The trouble was, my Ex goes there in the evening so I had to toake Mr W with me for moral support. I'm so glad he came as who was standing at the bar surrounded by a load of (gullible) giggling women, spouting off about how much money he had made on a house (probably mine!)....yes, you guessed it.

Anyway, I had a great treatment with Annette who used some ultrasound and a funny, buzzing, electric shock type machine that buzzed furiously over the damaged bit on my back. Apparently it redirects the damaged nerve endings to help reduce the pain and it really worked. 

I then showed her my new Nooz's that I ordered off Facebook....a funny little pair of glasses that just sit on your nose. She loved them! They arrived in the post today. I think they are great as they fit nicely in my purse...and on my nose. Annette thought it was funny to blind me with the cover and you can just see the marks on my face from laying face down on her treatment couch! Always a good look....not!

And I framed all her pictures in the background!

And Mr W bought us a McDonalds on our way home. Bad people!

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