
Too many nudges (that jarred my back) for my snoring resorted in me moving to the spare room at 2am-ish. That bed is so comfy.

Then at my physio appointment by 9 where I was put through my paces with back bends (something my Sports Injury Therapist friend said to avoid!) My Joey Essex said to leave it with him to sort out an MRI.

Came home to find Mr W gardening. (He doesn't do gardening - he just does demolition!) Fingers tightly crossed that plants survived.

I tried to do some (long overdue) housework, learning how to do much of it with my feet so I don't need to bend over!!

Then off to the Drs for my repeat smear (the nurse told me she could tell I'd had children - Bless her!) then bumped into a friend on her way in for hers straight after mine!!!

On my way home saw Harvey, (Katie Price's son) being wheeled along the pavement in a wheel chair - possibly by Katie Price. Sounded like her but didnt really look like her!!

Received a voicemail from (Joey Essex who sounds even more like Joey Essex on the phone than he does in real life!) to say he was unable to book the MRI and that I had to go to the GP after all. Luckily I had one booked on line for tomorrow so back to the doctors again for me!!

Now home to another (quite) evening in (alone) while Mr W is out (again!).

Feeling a teeny bit fed up now.

My blip is of the (very quiet) waiting room at the Doctors which made it possible to get a blip!  Boring as it is!

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