Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Moro Rock view

Being bad parents today as its Kilda's first birthday and we are away for it. Happy birthday little girl.
Last day in Sequoia so and early start to go and see Moro Rock. An overhanging rock with 400 steps up to the top. Very steep with big drops on either side meant I wasn’t very happy getting up there and even unhappier getting down. Still a fantastic view at the top. Next stop was the tunnel log. A sequoia tree had fallen across the road and they had created a bridge out of it. Next stop was to get some food and fuel in Fresno on our way to Yosemite. Arrived at the hotel which is much better than the last one. Had a walk around the hotel before having some food and beer in the room along with a planning session for the next few days

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