Polesden Lacey

I often visit the gardens of National Trust's Polesden Lacey as it is only a few miles from my home and is a good source of blips. Today, however, I did the house tour. Son J and family wanted to tour the house and I was pleased to join them.
Polesden interiors are changing all the time as The National Trust have moved their regional headquarters out of the building and more rooms are opening up. The house is full of beautiful treasures, paintings, furniture and porcelain, all collected by wealthy heiress Margaret Greville. Since my last visit, several years ago, the rooms are much better documented and I was pleased I had decided to accompany the family.
We were finished at Polesden in time to go to a nearby pub for lunch. We knew they offered a "Build Your Own Burger" item on the menu and this suited the family perfectly, and they spent a happy time selecting toppings, chutneys and cheeses. The resulting burgers, served with chips, were magnificent. I didn't join them but chose from the standard menu.
Back home we had a lovely chatty afternoon before they made their way home.

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