am bioran

By AmBioran

Bearreraig Bay

The perpetual search for fossils continued at this bay. We drove north through Portree and turned off the road before the parking chaos of the Storr and stopped near the first hydro dam in Skye. Then followed a track off the cliffside down towards the beach. The Hydro had built this funicular railway to access the turbines on the shore. It was being serviced as we clambered down the steep hillside to our prize....Jurassic ammonites...

Unfortunately not as good quality as those at Whitby, but the location made up for that. There were some very large belemnites present in the bedrock which we could only marvel at.

For lunch we found the excellent Ellishadder Art Cafe, the Crowdie can't be recommended enough. Infact if you are ever in the area, you must visit this place.

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