DZ Day

2years 294days

In Pre-Katie days, Mummy was a skydiver. Mummy is a skydiver, just who isnt jumping. So it was a very special day for me to take Katie for her first day at the DZ, the dropzone. Today was a fundraising day in memory of my close (skydiving) friends' beautiful girl, Madison who passed away from CDH aged 19hours. 6 non-jumpers did their first ever jumps, and friends jumped in memory of Madison. Plus lots of fun and games and cakes to raise extra money for the CDH charity.

Katie had a fabulous day at the DZ, she was running round playing with the kids and the DZ dog the absolute whole day. She loved it. She really loved watching my friends under canopy and after a couple of lifts (sets of skydivers jumping) had worked out which canopy was which friend.

The fresh air all day clearly wore her out as she said "Mummy I need to go to sleep" when she was in the car back to the station. Seconds later, she was. She slept the whole train journey, so I got us a taxi home, and she slept through that, then of course was wide awake for quite a bit of the evening! She had a great day today.

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