Saturday brunch

3years 292days

Isn't this how all 3year olds have brunch?

Turns out, that apart from photos in our new shortie wrap, this was the only picture I took. We had a lovely lazy morning- playing legs, cooking brunch together, a chat to grandad. We cleaned the rabbits, did laundry, played in the garden. Just a nice t home time.

Early afternoon we decided to head out. I put her on my hip (for those of you that wrap, we managed a robins with our new size 2, I was pleased!) just as we came out our street the bus arrived and she wanted to ride it. She promptly fell asleep. She stated asleep over an hour. We had a look round the market, had a ccino, went to tescos, headed home. She ran the whole way. We made a stop at the park before making our way back to do tea. A fabulously "non-day". Just me and my little loopy lady. Perfection.

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