The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Chase me...

Paul headed off early this morning to run with a colleague so I met him afterwards at the gym to do my intervals and weights session. We walked home is glorious sunshine for breakfast, pottered about and then headed over to his colleague's house for lunch. The food was gorgeous, and lots of it...accompanied by Pimms and wine. Very civilised! This is her dog, Lily, playing with a small vole/mouse type creature that was running about in the garden. Here she has sniffed it and it is actually jumpong out of the grass into the air. Very cute!

So, we are home now and chilling out. No electricity, no television, internet is on mega mega slow...and the tonic that was chilling in the fridge is now warming as the elec takes the fridge out! But the rain has subsided, it feels nicely cool and the sounds outside are quite relaxing. And so we have a lazy evening ahead...would be nice to watch some Olympics if the television decides to work sometime soon!!

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