
By Mindseye

Lazy Day

Slept ok, both of us, hub still not feeling 100% so we had a lazy day around the resort.

Breakfast on our balcony, lounging, reading then we went down to the pool so I could do the Aquarobics, which was ok, only me and one other lady, but still, it was a quick fun session, followed by a few lengths in the pool.

We had a salad for lunch beside the pool then joins in the quiz, we were second, glad we didn't win again ;-)

Later we stayed in the shade, very hot again!
I finished my first book, Girl on a Train, which was pretty good......a film out soon apparently!

We decided to have a night in, once showered, cooled down, then ordered a takeaway, it was pizza and a salad, washed down with water......but we did venture downstairs a little latter for a coffee and a nightcap, the only alcohol of today ;-)

Today's blip is one of the many beautiful trees of the Canaries, the Royal Poinciana, with its flame red flowers, feather fern like leaves and its umbrella like form, stunning!

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