Bobbing along

Was bound to happen sooner or later, absolute rubbish sleep, still awake at 3.35 but got off after that, woke around 8.15 then dozed, probably got 6 hours......

We decided on a day round the resort. Firstly lounging before the sun got too hot! We had lunch on the balcony too, then we went down to the pool.

Had a drink, joined in the poolside quiz, with a crazy woman called Agata ;-) we won a bottle of fizz which is in the fridge until we have a night in ;-) we both had a dip in the pool, which was quite cold but it cooled us off :-)

Then it was back up to our apartment, a bit more lounging and reading, before getting showered to go out for the evening. Today's blip is a typical scene with the sun glistening on the Atlantic Ocean.......perfect, the scene that is, not the photo!!

We had a lovely meal sat outside overlooking one of the beaches.......a bottle of wine, then a walk, and a brandy back at the ranch before bed :-)

I should sleep tonight ;-)

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