What a poser!

We stayed up late last night, well for us in any case .......watched the Rugby, but we won't go there.......followed by googlebox then match of the day. We might have been to the Saints game, but the southerners were keen to watch it over;-) needless to say their game was on last, which equalled none of us waking up much before 9am!

After a quick bacon sarny and cuppa, we packed our belongings, said our goodbyes, probably for the best part of six months and hit the road in glorious sunshine. The traffic wasn't bad at all, the odd busy spell, but we were home in under four hours which is always a "good run"!

Then it was bags out of the car, unpacked, laundry in the washer. We had half an hour in the garden with a mug of tea, sat in the sunshine, before tidying up all the dropped petals and a watering session of the pots and baskets, which won't last much longer....... doing my best to eek them out to the end of the month:-/

Whilst we were sat I took quite a few shots of various butterflies sunning themselves, but this shot stood out for me, as I love how it's right on the top up against the sky :-)

We've had a lovely trip, a busy few days, but there's nothing quite like your own bed ;-)

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