
A day spent sorting things! letters to be sent, cheques to be signed! One for the retired folk from my schools Christmas Dinner! It's a really good menu and I'm looking forward to it already! I then went and sorted out food for Milkshake - she's just loving Fat Cats wet food! Then down to the post box. It was interesting to do the walk in the circuit i used to take Portly Lucy. Plus Portly is back living next door! 
They have released her owner from Hospital and he will have someone coming in daily once to cook for him and once to do anything, get anything he needs. His Godson knocked on my door last night to let me know what was happening, and to ask me not to take him to the shops to get his fags and booze! They are not sure he is fit to be back, and stated he loved being in care and had been  helping all the other patients! No wonder he drinks and smokes when at home - he must be so bored. They are also not sure Lucy should be with him - she was seriously overweight and having breathing difficulties, but with a reduced diet was now trimmer. But he does love her and she is company for him - they will keep an eye on her as well as him, and if she gains weight they will take her away with them.  
After they had told me all this and left, I realised I had no contact number for them if he should need help - so I rushed round and got their number and the code to his keybox! It's a nifty box by the side of his front door with a keypad code - once entered the box opens to reveal a front door key! I could do with one of those for when I  lock myself out! 
The rest of the afternoon was a tedious time spent moving files to my external hard drive and emptying my recycling bin - it was a slow process and my computer kept telling me I was low on disc space - tell me something I don't know I felt like tapping into it's hard drive!!
I had intended to bury Amy but after a Facebook chat with Friend lasting 4 hours to nearly 4 in the morning I was feeling less than energetic! Their day trip to the Scillies was a wash out which is such a shame - it poured with rain and the  golf buggy that they hired to get around did not keep out the rain! They enjoyed a lovely lunch and then caught an earlier flight back - which was very lucky as they were told after that one left all other flights were grounded! 

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