Heavy & Humid

We both woke up feeling decidedly grotty, nothing specific, we've put it down to the weather today.

A heavy smog like heat haze had descended over our part of the island.

We thought a walk out might help, it didn't.
A stop for a coffee at our favourite little Spanish place, lovely, but didn't improve how we were feeling.

A walk along the beach front, really hard work, sticky and not as enjoyable as usual:-/

A stop for a salad, which neither of us really fancied, but we had to eat. Afterwards, we walked a bit further, sat a while looking out to sea, not that we could see so much with the lingering kalima. You can probably tell from today's rather grey looking blip, how heavy the atmosphere is!

We almost didn't go downstairs for an evening meal, but we did, just a plain steak, and a glass of wine.......we planned to come back to the apartment around 10, but we decided we felt a bit brighter so stayed a while longer .......hopefully tomorrow we will book our ideas up, after all, we are on holiday!!

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