Headless chicken?!

No prize at the quiz last night, we were down to 3 though, we were happy with our effort!

Didnt sleep badly, struggled to,get off for a while, brain still whizzing!!

Woke up to a grey and damp morning, nothing like yesterday :-/ I had to get a wriggle on as I was meeting sis at hers mid morning....M60 was slow, East Lancs Road down to one lane for a couple of miles, so,that was slow, then just before arriving, a road closure, had to turn round and take a detour....25 minutes later than I said :-/.

Kobi greeted me with his now huge bark, you wouldnt believe hes still only 7 months old, as bouncy as ever too!

Sis and I went into Manchester to do some shopping, got a few more bits towards you know what........oh and a new top and pants, and a nice linen shirt for hub for his holibobs! .

We treated ourselves to lunch in Botega, in Selfridges, which belongs to the San Carlo restaurateur, really nice Italian bases tapas style food, amongst other things :-)
Think me and hib will be going back there soon!

Todays weather improved dramatically as I headed home, hub had cut the grass and been extremely busy around the house......e erything looked like a new pin.

I had my camera gear in the boot, but hadnt used it as it was so wet and grey.....but quickly managed to snap this on my way home in the sunshine.

Weekend weaher not looking good for us.

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