A Visit to Apple Acres

Dear Diary,

It wouldn't be fall without a visit to Apple Acres, usually a couple of visits.  They feature all locally produced products in their farm store and I noted a couple items that I will return to purchase for Christmas gifts like Maine Margarita Mix for my Minnesota friends who miss Maine.  They sell Maine grown and bottled wine and hard cider too.

I go first to see Grandfather Oak, a 141 year old Red Oak tree right by the road.  It is such an amazing tree and I was glad to see that it appeared to be in perfect health, ready to stand another long Maine winter.  I usually get my squash and pumpkins here, and of course apples, but this Thanksgiving I may not be hosting my usual dinner.  It might be just Emerson and I so it will be a much simpler affair. 

It was an absolutely perfect day for the visit, warm sun but coolish temperatures.  I treated myself to one of their incredible apple cider donuts while I sat in Grandfather Oak's sheltering shade contemplating life and how fortunate I am to be in this place.  Yes, a perfect day I would say.

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