
By LadyPride

Saucisson Saturday

Spent Saturday at home today with no plans. Bliss.

Mooched around Chorlton with my family (still weird saying 'family') bumping into people we knew, buying wine, french bread, cheeses and saucisson (my favourite) for lunch followed by a 2 hour walk with the pram to the water park (see pic) to burn it off!

Then Meg popped over and we sat in the garden and had a much needed catch up over coffees while my husband looked after Audrey.

Am feeling slightly guilty that I haven't spent much quality time with Audrey this past week though. I've been charging around pushing her from pillar to post, fobbing her off on other people or putting her down to sleep so that I can get work or chores completed. It's worrying me that we haven't been bonding as much as we have previously. I know she prefers quieter days at home when she has my undivided attention (as she always seems more settled after these types of days and she has been quite cranky lately).

Or maybe we're just finally getting her to fit around us rather than letting her rule our lives as she was before. Who knows? But at least we have the morning together tomorrow so I'll be sure to devote it to her solely - the emails and housework can wait. It sounds strange but I miss her.

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