It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

The Best Bit of the Day

I'm not gonna kid that it wasn't a tough week. I was really struggling. I plonked myself on a rock to read Roland Barthes.....some people say he writes indecipherable gobildigook but I got him. 

I whistled and the sound echoed down the loch. It was cold, I was sitting in a shaded area where the sun wouldn't reach all day. A few fish plopped in the water, making ever increasing circles until they were no more. 

The silence was ruined by the kayakers paddling and chatting away. I was slightly resentful, especially as the noise made Barthes' musings less accessible. I put my book down and dealt and chatted with the kayakers until the first racers of the Loch Gu Loch swim-run appeared. That's why I was there, to ensure they all dibbed before they entered the water. There was no more silence until the end of the day.

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