Shale Gas Tanker

Backblipped for 27/9/16

Proper Flumlet-minding day so we took him to Deep Sea World in North Queensferry, 'to see the sharks'. 
However, on our way round the new traffic system to accommodate the new bridge we came face-to-face with the very first tanker delivering USA shale gas to Scotland. I think this is a significant moment in time and deserves the blip, despite being taken through the windscreen. while moving.

A charming view of the Flumlet and a shark may be seen in the extra (do remember that visibility is impaired by lack of light and reflection from glass). We then proceeded to Craigie's Farm and had just managed to collect eggs when our visit was cut short by an SOS from his Daddy: they were redecorating and had run out of wallpaper and asked us to collect more on our way back  - so we didn't get to the watch planes as planned. A perfect excuse to go again.

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