St Mary the Virgin, Haddenham

Today's shot is a variation on a sorry if it looks a bit similar.

We had arranged to go out for a meal with Dave & Nikki & so I popped over in the morning to say lets make it a bit earlier so we can have a wander around the church, feed the ducks at the pond & have a general nose around.

Parked the car and spotted a chap walking towards us in a yellow waistcoat. He was informing local people that an ad for the Halifax Building Society was being filmed where we were standing tomorrow.... Haddenham is famous as a location for various tv programmes such as Midsummer Murders etc..

I'd brought some bread for the ducks of which there were many including a couple of Aylesbury Ducks which you don't see that often. So we fed them & then went in the church - a huge church with Saxon roots though the majority dates from the 12 th Century with later Victorian additions. As yesterday some nice piscinas and what looked to be a medieval font aswell as some beautiful Norman arches. After a quick look around the churchyard we then went down a couple of small alleys which eventually led us to the car. In the warmth of the car we headed of to the restaurant (actually a farm shop) and had a great meal for ten quid each.

Home then before a little sleep on the sofa.

Something interesting happened yesterday: I was looking at the pics I took when I went to Churchill's Toyshop & on one of the shots (in the distance) I spotted something that appeared to be hovering over some trees. So I contacted the Pro photographer & said take a closer look at this ....and yes I seem to have captured a real life UFO (or not). Steve has tweeted it and reckons it might go viral !! Have a look at the extra in large .

Cold day but sunny 

By the way Dave & Nicki (if you read this) sorry but I gave you duff info regarding the walls in Haddenham. I said that they were made of Wattle & Daub but actually I should have said Wychert, which is peculiar to Haddenham & its close proximity. :-))

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