Nose Work

Already the last session of my new exciting Have Fun class today. How did that happen? All ten of us went in our cars out to a new and exciting forest to try different sorts of nose work.

First, our humans went off and made scent squares with their feet and treats. While everything settled, we all had fika/lunch. I snatched half of mum's sandwich, so I was lucky to still get to share the leftover waffle. It was a glorious picnic!

Then I was allowed over to our squares and got to search them, one at a time. I did well and found heaps of treats. Mum had also brought a new melted cheese with bacon tube that I got to lick as a reward. Yay!!

The last thing we did was everybody got to choose a toy, which one of my friends is doing in the picture. Our task was to find it in the forest, in a much bigger area than the original square. We were supposed to do something else too, but time flew. It was a great four hour session, and everyone went home happy with themselves I think.

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