twinned with trumpton


Them lads were awake at 6 (sheesh; I'm up early as a rule, but ffs... 6? On a Sunday???)
We got the bikes out after breakfast and pootled along tae Asda. Some tights and wine glasses were on the list. They only had 11-12 and I had instructions for 10-11. Hmmm. And a dearth of cheap wine glasses (for her, you understand. Mine are all intact; she;s gone through half a dozen in 2016 alone so far.)
So we came home; fired up some bangers and bacon, scoffed the flippin' lot and headed off to collect the ladies. 

To darkest Midlothian for trampoline action. See extras. An hour of tiring themselves out followed by a run back into town and a couple more failed attempts at wine glasses. 

So I handed over the tights to a reluctant recipient; until she realised she'd been using 11-12 all along. Get out of Jail card not required on this occasion.

And off home we went; to shove roast pork (with added fennel seeds) into the oven before an hour out to the end of the pier and back. And in for the roast and some blackberry and apple crumble. Sadly I had no ice cream but only some stray chocolate sauce left over from the churros. 

Worked well enough, I think....

And so we face another week suitably stuffed with wholesome food. (And far too much chocolate)

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