Find The Treat

Inspired by the creativity of the teachers of the activities dog class - that is sadly over already - mum is trying to come up with new games for us. This one is called Find the treat. We are now playing with three cups.

This is how it works. Mum hides a treat under one cup and then lifts the cups up, one at a time, to show me. I sit more or less nicely a small distance away. Then she moves the cups - and I have to remember where the treat is! If I indicate the correct one, I get the treat! If not, we start over.

There is an X factor to it, and it is of course that I can smell the treat. But as it is moved over the floor, this is a bit confusing. I think maybe it would be better if she didn't show me the treat and just let me sniff my way to it.

Mum found a sugar bun from the sourdough bakery in the freezer. And we used a few pieces of it for the game! Yummy!!

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