Ready, steady...

There's been a little bit of a delay in getting the finished wedding photos to Alison and Charles because they moved back out to South Africa straight after the wedding and there's a general distrust of the postal service. Alison has finally found somebody who's flying out and can deliver the pictures directly to them. Cue some late night, last minute finishing off last night and an early morning of the same. Thankfully, they're in the post.

An exhausting day of work, mostly due to the coffee machines being out of order in waitrose this morning. 

After work it was time to get ready for tomorrow's wedding, this one a little more local. Everything charged and triple checked and ready to go. I'm feeling surprisingly chilled about this one which should hopefully mean that I won't be up half the night panicking. In theory.

And also packing my bag as I'll be leaving straight from the wedding to go to Birmingham ready for Sunday's Half Marathon. I have been determined that I'm going to beat last year's time but a couple of weeks of not feeling well and non-existent training means I'm barely ready to even walk around. I'm just hoping that I can control my pride and competitive nature enough just to enjoy a gentle jog around the city. Unlikely.

Oh, and I think I'm all ready for next week's One World Week at college. It's our launch event at this particular college, cue nervous face. 

Now time for some serious carb loading (hallelujah) and a cocktail with the girls.

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