
By Angelique


It was a very big sea and as we approached, we could see this boat venturing out from the river into the swell.  At first we thought they were trying to rescue someone but as we watched it was apparent they were deliberately looking for the biggest waves.  They went right out to the horizon and eventually after several attempts, glided all the way back on the crest of a wave.  Must have been very exhilarating and we are used to surfers but have never seen entire boat.  Apparently they came from St Agnes which is a small cove down the coast from here, the other side of Perranporth.

The small photo you can see they made it back safely.

It was quite an amazing spectacle and I wondered how they managed to stay warm as the rest of us were in coats!!

Today it is raining on and off with very strong winds.  Autumn has arrived even here.

Hope you're all enjoying the weekend and the week ahead is kind to you.

We have guests arriving for a few days tomorrow so I will have to be on my best behaviour. xxxxx

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