Number 5

I took 5 photographs today.


And this is it.
Number 5.

How many places can I be in one day?
Quite a few, if today is anything to go by.
Sometimes it's hard.

This morning I helped out a friend.
In need.

I offered.
She accepted.
I'm glad I could help.
I think she will be ok.
I hope so.
I do.

Earlier on this evening I got a phone-call and was asked by a different friend if I could do something for her tomorrow.
It's not something she needs, but something she would like.
I will probably make a decision on that one in the morning.

The two friends of mine don't know each other personally and don't know the details of each others lives, but as they both know me, I suppose that counts as 1 degree of separation.

None of us, incidentally, know Kevin Bacon personally, nor have we worked with him in Hollywood, although I do have relatives in Beverly Hills and it could well be possible that there are six degrees of separation between them and Kevin Bacon.
Who knows.

This photograph was taken as I travelled across the Lancashire moors today.
There and back.
Number 5 is whilst heading there.
Come to think of it, so are 1 - 4.

Can't you just tell when I need some sleep?

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