Party Day!

But no photo of the party as I am still processing them and trying to salvage lighting and colour errors! Indoor people photography is not my thing! However a lot happened before I even got to the party so here goes!
Another session with my Hypnotherapist! I confessed the word "lazy" had thrown me into a bit of a loop and she said another therapist had removed the word from her sessions as she also felt it had negative overtones! She asked me to list all the positive things since we last met, and gave me a list to show me what sort of things to focus on - sleeping in a freshly made bed, favourite song comes on the radio, rainbows, the pop from a new jar of jam, talking or playing with your pet get the gist! The ones that amused me were squeezing a spot, cleaning wax from your ears and the Royal Family! She also spoke about the trap of doing lists and the to remember we are "human beings not human doings!" I must admit to sometimes listing the things I have "done" to make me feel I have made the most of a day and not been "lazy"! Must concentrate on the "being" state! A lot of the positive bits on my list were the chickens, allotment, photography and friends - what else does one need?!
After this it was a quick shop to get birthday cards and snacks for the party then home to gather my props for the photo booth at the Party. This meant going into my spare room and rifling through boxes. I amassed face masks including a whole face mask of Bart Simpson,Shrek with hands, a monkey with hairy hands and a cat complete with tail! Also feather boa's, wigs,neon braces, hats, insect face masks, bobbly and flashing head bands, bunny ears, egyptian cardboard masks, glasses and lips on sticks, speech bubbles on sticks, and of course chicken hats!!! Spent ages trying to find the horizontal pole to go with my backdrop frame, but at least I found the backdrop material easily and i found my fairy lights with "happy Birthday" letters! Quick play with Tilly and Polly then time to pack the car!
 It took 2 hours to unload the car and set up once at the hall! I grabbed a young lad to help me and then used him as my model to try and gauge lighting. I was  seriously anxious about doing the booth due to lighting issues - wish I'd had the energy to try sorting out camera settings prior to the eve but I didn't. So having set my corner up in the bar and having hung the birthday lights and set up tables i headed home to eat and change! i spotted the high level of the river as i was leaving and could't resist taking a photo! 
Once home, fed, showered, dressed and make up and hair done I got a reply  from Friend about the party that I'd been waiting all day for. She had not expected to be here for the party, and having made it this far she had had a bad day and called the palliative GP out - so she was unable to come. She was so disappointed. I told her I would give her an account when I got back and tell her all the bitchy news rather than dwell on the fun! By the time our chat ended it was nearly 9 and I was an hour late! I quickly took the picture out of the frame I had bought for a pound at the recycling depot, grabbed some teabags as alcohol not good having taken more cold relief tablets, and grabbed a couple of lights just in case and some boots for the walk home! I was finally ready for the party! 

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