No not from the movie, let alone of The Third Man, but we did see each other for the first time at the opening of the Russian Filmweek in Leiden, 1966.
I had seen the movie The Third Man already several times, and I had visited Vienna with my parents, my brother Hans and my little sister Loes in 1959.
We had gone through the air in the 'Riesenrad' in the Prater, in which one of the frightening scenes takes place. I remember my mother telling us to stay away from the windows. Vienna had at that time still a poor appearance, and it had surprised me a lot.
Was not Vienna the town of the emperial grandeur? We saw it in the Schönbrunnpalace, but nowhere in town. The scenes of the movie (Carol Reed 1949) could have taken place before our eyes, although the occupation of the Allied Forces had been ended in 1955.

In the picture you see Piet Hein in our garden, struggling with the cutting of the laurel bushes. He stands lower on the slope, laughs at me.

In the afternoon we walked a nice path in the village Derental, it lies on a high plain, the air is very healthy up there. Tourists used or still do love it, the only hotel still open.

Thanks to DollyKGray for hosting the Mono Monday Challenge.

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