I seem to be having a bit of a sky moment right now, so this will have to go as a pair to yesterday's rather than as a contrast, though the mood is different. There were just these lovely few minutes early on when the sun was underlighting the high clouds and those crossed vapour trails but not touching the lower clouds, which stayed wispy and grey like old wool.
The marshes, I have to say, were sodden and I came back very wet, but I had a wonderful sighting of a large roebuck and the heron did his slow flappy thing across the meadows. However, by far the majority of the wildlife out and about were slugs and snails, wandering around shopping for fresh young leaves and gossiping. You couldn't move for them.
Now I have a relatively peaceful day at work, which is just as well as I'm still feeling the effects of the weekend. I'm meeting up with a (work) friend for a cup of tea later and will also go to the supermarket, and that is probably my day. Hope yours goes well..
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