Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Other people's trash

A Monday off work, how lovely.

I left them all sleeping to head to the waves. Passing time getting lost in the natural world is far more enjoyable than trying not to get lost in the human world, which makes it all the more weird that I spend so much time looking for remnant histories of humans in nature. Anyways, my nerdometer screeched way up high when I found the bed warmer fragment. Who did it keep warm back in the day? Perhaps best not to think about that too much.

Tess wanted the board games on the go at night. I drank too much wine playing scrabble and Uno with Tess and Dave. I got boisterous with my song choices, over did it with the Gregory girl armchair arm dancing and laughed like a raucous landlady all night long. Tess was very entertained. I never drink......ha! that's what they all say....but I really rarely do, so I payed for it big time the next day.

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