Signs of autumn

We woke earlyish this morning, but then got off again......I was shocked to see it was 9.37 when I opened my eyes again!!! Hub was still sleeping!!

Once we were up and ready we did a few household chores, I found some things we no longer need/use to donate in a charity collection bag.

We went for a short walk, called in for a newspaper and I found these little fungi, not sure if they are mushrooms or toadstools, on our way back home.

It's the best I can offer's been chilly dreary and quite damp although not much rain, so not much light for photography :-/

I'm waiting to hear from youngest son following a session at the eye hospital to discuss what support is available to him, he's messaged me to say it was sounds positive :-)

We are back to our quizzing tonight.........I hope my grey matter is in tact :-0

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