Light at the end of the tunnel

Finally........I can report I've turned a corner, (what do you meanthank goodness I can hear you all say in unison ;-). We were up and out for hubs GP appointment..... Blood test results. There were so many people in the surgery who sounded just like me!!! I was considering going, had I not improved in the next day or two! They were running an hour behind, but you can't have it both ways, it's either appointments on time, OR, have as long as needs be with the GP when it's your turn. thankfully ours does give you their undivided attention once it's your turn. My sis has been to her GP and was prescribed antibiotics and maybe I should have gone to the docs, who knows!

Anyhow enough of that, after the walk there and back, I felt ok, made some lunch, then we had an hour outside. Hub cut the back lawn, again, hopefully the last one.......and was on leaf clearing duty, whilst I finally took down our hanging baskets on the front and emptied them, plus the two troughs by the front door.

We sat in the garden chairs with a cup of tea, in the sunshine, probably for the last time this year, before they go away in the garage. We had light fleeces on, but it was really pleasant.

I popped inside to get my camera, which was sulking in the corner, it's been feeling very neglected over the last week ;-) I know it's only a couple of shots in the back garden, but it's further than I've been all week!

Most shots weren't very good, but, I did like this one, which I'd taken through the trellis, from the greenhouse side of the garden. I bought these pansies over a week ago but haven't had chance to plant them up for obvious reasons, but hub has been keeping his eye on them for me, by the looks of things, watering them with our Grandaughters' little pink watering can...........;-) maybe I'll be up for planting them tomorrow......

Hub has just said his throat feels a bit sore..:-0

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