Car Wall and Invalid Carriage, Riverside Museum

Second day in Glasgow. First to the Riverside Museum on the banks of the Clyde where this shot was taken. An interesting museum, free, full of artefacts and objects relating to living, working and moving about in Glasgow. A Tall Ship, the Glenlee is moored outside the museum in the river giving a taste of what it was like to be on board one of the last sailing ships built on the river.

I'm not sure if the Car Wall does much for me, too high up and you have to rely on an interactive display to find out more. Makes for an interesting shot though.

It's hard to imagine what it used to be like around here when the banks of the Clyde were covered in shipyards and associated industries. Now, despite attempts at regeneration, there's a sense still of desolation with an untidy collection of industries and commerce and open space. A sense of ghosts of the past which have not yet been exorcised.

Our next destination was Glasgow City Hall for a tour of the building, also free. And what an ornate and opulent building it is. The Civic side rather more opulent than the working side. Full of Italian marble, paintings, friezes and the like. A tour well worth doing.

By this time hunger drove us in search of tea and scone which we found in the Willow Tea Rooms, a homage to Charles Rennie MacKintosh. Very reasonable prices given its provenance.

Time to catch the train to wolf down an exceptional curry before trotting off to catch the train back to Edinburgh. The trip worked well, good company and a very enjoyable time. We need to come back and see more of this city.

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