
By Appreciation

This girl is on a roll - nothing is stopping her just now. I only hope she takes great confidence and comfort from it.

This morning she passed her driving test - 1st time. Brilliant! We were out for a drive yesterday, and I knew that barring any unforseen difficulties - other idiot road users, a grumpy examiner or a stray cat running over the road, she would pass. She is a good driver and infact would tackle these issues fine. Yesterday she dealt well with another car stoppping and the driver leaping out the car and over the road in front of her. So I was sure she would pass.

This does put a little extra strain on our at present one car! May I remind everyone that it is my car and whilst I may share I don't have to like it.

We celebrated her success and the last day of the holidays in one of my favourite cafes, 'Project Coffee'. All three feasted on all day breakfasts with haggis and the most scrumptious marmalade.

Boo Hoo Back to school tomorrow for my boy. I will miss him.

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