It Works ............

............ at both ends.

I took the Cygnet for a walk to the shop to get the paper this morning. He likes handing over the payment and loyalty card. I think it gives him a sense of purpose.
After leaving the shop he impressed an elderly gent with his ability to stop at the kerb, look both ways and confirm that no cars are coming - not bad for a 2 year old I must admit (SWMBO and I have done well with that). He then insisted on going up to the station to see if a train was coming. When he got there he found his other Grandparents on the platform waiting to go into town.

After the Cygnet, his father and I had been to the big toy shop to change a broken tractor (actually his father changed it for a much bigger and more expensive one) we came home just in time to witness much crying and filling of nappies.........facinating to the Cygnet.

Late afternoon/early evening saw us with two visitors arriving quite independantly. One was looking for a witness to signing the papers regarding a house purchase and the other was looking for a strong cup of tea after having just signed the papers for house purchase (spooky) and both are camera club committee members so we had a good bitching session.

Now about to get stuck into a nice big pizza and some chicken gojons

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