Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Dinner Show

We barbecued dinner and sat at the patio dining table to enjoy our meal. The food was simple and delicious, just salad, burgers, and chips. The entertainment across the sky was captivating.

This was the first evening in over a week that the temperature was not too hot and miserable to be outside in the early evening. This day was cooler by about nine degrees.

When I took the pooches out mid-afteroon to stroll through the backyard, I put ice cubes in their water dish. Chloe loves "dunking for cubes" and she's a lot of fun to watch.

Today I opened the college website and then my online course. The classes I'll teach begin in two weeks. I have a little prep work to do before then, but overall I'm ready.

I'm not sure why the palm trees always look like they are leaning because they are not! If I were an educated photographer, I'd know the answer. I'm educated, but not in photography (I hope that's okay to admit here).

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. I am quite excited to begin (and hopefully continue) doing some "backdated" blips -- memories I captured long before I knew about Blipfoto. Thanks Blip Central for letting us have this feature. Here's one: The House on Nicollet Island.

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