Tiny Tuesday : : Lizard

We had seven inches of rain in October, a good start if it continues to rain through the winter months. This morning was beautiful...sunny, cloudless skies and no wind as Ozzie and I made out way around Spring Lake. I caught this tiny, no more than two inches long, Western Fence Lizard along the way. Soon they will all disappear into the rocks and crevices for the winter, but there are still a few of them around...perhaps trying to grow up before it gets too cold....

 I met two people I know along the way,  a testament to the fact that we have been here long enough to have made some connections. An extensive network of friends, acquaintances and even people I knew by sight was something I took for granted in Berkeley. It has taken some time to begin to create that here, especially since we don't have jobs or children at home to create opportunities.

Ozzie, on the other hand, has a huge network of friends... which is enhanced by meeting other dogs but not completely necessary as he sniffs his way from rock to stalk to bush.. A man loitering next to his dog said, "they're just reading the newspaper". 

It's taking entirely too much time, but I am getting my photos back in order. I fear I am creating more work for myself  as I learn by experimentation and a lot of "what happens if I do this?" but it's better than feeling helpless.

I was looking for this quote yesterday and finally found it today. Manu of you may have seen it, but it does a pretty good job of explaining why we're all going nuts no matter which side we're onl....

Trump will go on trial in November accused of racketeering, and again in December accused of child rape, He is a sexual predator, hasn't released his tax returns, and has used his foundation's ,money to pay his legall fees. He has abused the family of a war hero and...oh, but let's talk about some emails Hilary didn't send from someone else's computer, that weren't a crime anyway because that's how to choose a president. Come on, America. Focus.
--Salmon Rushdie

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