The things I do for a blip!

With nothing better to do today once I'd finished the ironing, I decided to hop on the bus to Balmaha after lunch and climb Conic Mountain Hill for a blip.

I really didn't feel like it, but started up the path, dragging my heels, thinking I'd rather turn back and go for a coffee in the Oak Tree instead. However, once I'd climbed a bit, it seemed a waste of energy to give up; then I met a lovely couple on their way down and they encouraged me to keep going, saying that the view was worth the effort, so I plodded on. Admittedly only about half-way to the top, but high enough to bag some decent views. (This was taken around 2.15pm and looks quite dark, which it wasn't at all.)

I think my poor knees will be sore tomorrow from all the stepping down, but in the end I was very glad I'd persevered... and rewarded myself with coffee in the Oak Tree before getting the bus back to Drymen.

Come back, Minty, all is forgiven! ;-)

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