
What an odd day today.
We went to Dublin….Nothing to with footie but we have a bay on Lake Wanaka called that…Dublin Bay and that’s where the B team went. 
It was a great walk to the Mighty Clutha and a nice high view point for lunch and it was all downhill from there…Except the bits that were uphill…
Anyway  The Boss’s fruitphone rang and it appears that The Bossess had some tech crises that required us be be bark in her office Pronto - 30 ( which is way faster than just Pronto)  so it was a very fast trip back to New Suzz (except for this bit where I needed a top up) and all deadlines were met and The Bossess was able to fly away and The Boss was able to collapse into a chair and make sawing noises but missed the coffee with the group and I was able to bark at someone in our drive that I otherwise would have missed, so all good.
There is never a dull moment round here.



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