The Poodle Club

The most amazing thing happened today! When we went out for walkies, guess who were there, waiting for us to join them? Tova, my agility training friend and classmate! We were The Poodle Club at agility, and had extra training sessions together. She is also a black miniature poodle. And her mum, of course, and her half-sister Selma who is a hunting Labrador.

It was a glorious walk! Tova and Selma go hunting and forest walking off lead All The Time with their family, and once we got out into the nature preserve, they were let off lead and just ran off and disappeared! Mum got a bit nervous, but I was let loose to, and sped off after them. Oh, how happy we were, especially me and Tova! Chasing each other, running, wrestling and barking - she is a great friend and playmate! There was some serious adventurous exploring going on too. And Tova's mum had real chicken pieces for treats!

The key to this amazing experience is, mum has explained, that they Come on Here. Every time. I also come on Here, but.... Their mum had a whistle, because sometimes we were really far away and couldn't hear them calling. Maybe we'll try that...

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