Who is Derek?

I’d checked the forecast last night and as it looked good for the morning we headed out early to the Ashridge Estate to see what, if anything, was left of the Autumn colour.  We were not disappointed.  As we drew near, we ‘oohed’ and ‘aahed’ as every bend in the road brought yet more breathtaking foliage into view.  I really don’t remember an Autumn quite like this one.

First stop was Docky Wood, a small plantation of Beech trees and famed for its Bluebell display in Spring.  The first thing we noticed was how light it was in the wood.  We were here a month ago and it was so dark we'd have needed a tripod to keep the ISO down to three figures.  Now, many of the leaves had fallen, bringing light, colour and new life to the forest floor.  See extras.

Next stop was coffee in the Ashridge Estate itself.  There’s a very nice cafe at the edge of the woodland, but it’s outdoor seating only.  The kitchen staff pass sausage sarnies and bacon rolls through a window and the cliental huddle in the cold, hands clasped around steaming mugs of tea and coffee.  And it was cold this morning.  It’s probably very nice in the summer.

So - back to Derek.  He visited Docky Wood in 1992.  That’s 24 years ago. What’s happened to him in the meantime?  Has he carved his name on other trees?  And has he been back since?

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