cherish what remains

By clothgirl

keeping up

The schedule at Peters Valley is this: breakfast starts at 7:30, class begins at 9:00, lunch is served at 12:15, and ends when the food runs out or at 1:15, whichever comes first, class resumes at 1:30 and ends at 5:00, dinner is at 6:00, the studios are open in the evening from 7:30 to 10:00, the instructor or an assistant must be present in the studio at all times. Lisa, her husband, the blacksmith, and I, along with three other instructors, are staying at a house that is within fifteen minutes walking distance of the dining hall but it would take forty minutes to walk to the fiber studio or the forge, so we drive everywhere. The schedule feels crazy. There is no time to think. Lisa doesn't have an assistant yet, not until Sunday, so I went with her to the studio last night. We mixed up some colors, experimented with some unusual markmaking tools and co-created a great piece of fabric, but the late night took its toll.

the series starts here.

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