a new year!

By Thesalh70

Chain gang smile

Not much of a lie in this morning. Had stupidly booked an appt for 10.30 so was always going to be up early. And being in at 1.30am only meant probably 7 hours quality sleep. Oh what a night last night though!

Warm day for mid august despite the odd little shower here and there. Did usual washing, shopping and running around this morn. Lunch at mums, top lunch too!

Home and a couple of new fixtures to my bike before setting off on a 25 miler! All part of the training plan. Cycled to mapperley and back. My mate Triv lives at the top of a huge hill which I've cycled up previously and it's a killer!! The best bit is the descent! 10 mins to climb, 11 seconds to fly back down!

Home and a well earned shandy in my garden whilst studying tomorrows form for our ladies day!

Sirloin steak, fries, stuffed mushrooms, new peas, and Diane sauce for banquet of a dinner!! Quality red to accompany it.

X factor too tonight, but am choosing to make the most of a mild night and sit outside, listening to my Bose from the living room, playing quality tunes!

Speaking of quality tunes, my blip is of my bike chain. Chain-gang smile as I remember was a top tune off some brother beyond album our Li used to own!

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