Da Frozen Kirk

Another lovely day.  It was a sunny morning, clouded over for a bit, rained at lunchtime, but soon cleared.  Clear skies and frosty again tonight, but so calm all day.

Up early and headed out walkies with Sammy, typical that the sun vanished during my walk, but a lovely morning to be out.  Headed to work, and it's been a steady day in the museum.  We've had loads of folk in looking at my exhibition.  I did an interview with Radio Shetland a few days ago, and it's really boosted visitor numbers.  That's me finished work for a week, I've got to use up holidays and let's hope it stays calm and frosty for me.  I've had Shetland lamb for tea, and it's laid me by :)  Need to get out walkies with Sammy, and then keep the feet up :)  

It was a chilly morning walk, and love it :)  10.30am every Sunday morning the kirk bells here ring out loud, and it's almost next door to my bedroom window!!  This morning passing by, with it's frozen garden and roof, made me wonder how cold willnit be inside?  As a child, our parish kirk was always chilly, but Sunday school class was usually warm :)  Taken at Scalloway Methodist Kirk, Chapel Lane, Scalloway.

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