Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Hovis Checking Out The Bunnies

Another pet blip as I've been rushing around today as well! I was covering GP surgeries today. They are a lot less stressful than being in the hospital but I just felt shattered today and was so glad to get home.

In the evening I went to my keep fit class only to discover that it wasn't the usual leader, Val. The lady taking the class was nice but not a patch on Val. I saw a rabbit running around outside the community centre where the class is held and that bothered me because it was obviously someone's pet that had escaped. After the class, I persuaded another couple of members of the class to help me try and catch the rabbit but we couldn't. The other two ladies were telling me that it was wild but it wasn't...they were just trying to make me feel better! Then one of them told me that it was probably belonging to the play group, which is also held in the community centre, and that I would be in trouble for knicking the kids rabbit! I hope it's okay, it was way too quick for us so hopefully it will be too quick for any other predator trying to catch it.

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