4 hours sleep is not enough

An exhausting day today and not quite what I had in mind.

A woke up at midnight last night with a terrible cough and was really struggling to breathe. Even when we had calmed him down and the coughing had subsided he still couldn't breathe properly and his lips were strange purple colour. Obviously we were both more than worried so we bundled him straight into the car Mr J sped off at 100 miles an hour to A&E.

I was left anxiously at home. I know the phone signal is non existent at the hospital and waited for an agonising 3 hours to hear that he was okay and had been given steroids for Croup. Just before 4am they finally came home. A was is quite good spirits and was telling me all about his adventure. I just wanted to hold him...and to sleep.

We didn't venture far today. He's been a bit hot and tired, so we've had lots of cuddles, calpol and CBeebies. My mum and dad came round for a few hours as they had also been to the hospital for an appointment and dropped in on their way home. It's been torrential rain all day so I didn't really mind staying indoors. Qwerty had they right idea and spent most of the afternoon curled up.

P was the first one to take her finished Christmas Project into school and had to show it to the rest of her class. The teacher really liked it and she got a house point which she was very happy with. At rainbows this evening she also received her first sew on badge to commemorate 50 years of girl guiding this area. I'm having an early night tonight so sewing will have to wait for another day...shame!

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