SPhotography-One Year V2

By SummersPhoto

Summers Here!

A play on words with today's Blip title! Indeed Summer is here, but also Summers here! Me! Stephanie Summers is my maiden name and name of my business. I have been thinking of changing the name recently to something shorter, but my Mums talked me out of it! She talks sense!

Today was lovely. Hot day- up to 31 at one point, we were out in the car getting stuff done and back home to do more on the Mac. That's the problem when your in business - there's always something to do on the computer that takes you away from being outdoors! Was planning on taking the laptop out, but the charger died this week and laptop not holding much of a charge. Hmm new Mac pro you say?! Ok!!

We did venture out into the garden just in time to capture the golden hour. Snapped loads, but this one leaf really stood out. The whole grassy area was dark in comparison, but this one leaf was sitting on its own and a strong, golden beam of light came streaming through the trees and hit that spot perfectly. Beautiful tones and texture, it had to be today's blip. And the best bit - captured on an iPhone!

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