Hill Top Ramblings

By janepetleyjones

Guelder Rose

Another busy day. Pepper and I had a quick march round our route, and then to Kendal. First a trip to the wool shop for some gingerbread man colour. Then, the dentist. This is never a highlight is it, but luckily Sheila was there too to take my mind off things for a few minutes. I escaped with no real harm done and then met Helen to deliver the birthday cake and have a coffee.
I had a couple of items to take to the dress exchange, including my purple wedding hat which I don't think I will wear again. When the boutique owner saw it she said it was exactly what the previous customer had wanted, and so that should sell.
On the subject of weddings, Andrew has booked the registrar! For November 19th next year! And so the countdown begins. The cake; the dress; the theme and decorations; etc!
Pepper was ready for another outing when I got home, and we spotted these luscious berries just waiting for some hungry thrushes.

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